Short.Simple.Writing.brings out a unique
way of creative storytelling expression

Think ..

In the realm of writing, thinking is the genesis of creativity. The blank page is your canvas, and your thoughts are the ink that brings it to life. Thinking isn’t just about generating ideas; it’s about exploring the depths of your imagination, pondering over the possibilities, and daring to dream. Think about the stories waiting to be told, the characters eager to be born, and the emotions longing to be expressed.

Great writing begins with a single thought, a spark that ignites the journey of words. So, take a moment to think, to delve into the recesses of your mind, and let your thoughts flow onto the page. Embrace the power of your ideas, for they are the seeds from which your words will grow.

”Don’t give up now.Keep trying until you reach your full success.”


Belief is the cornerstone of any writer’s journey. It’s the unwavering faith in your ability to transform thoughts into words and words into stories. Without belief, the blank page can be intimidating, and self-doubt can be paralyzing. But with belief, the ordinary can become extraordinary, and the impossible can become possible.

Believe in your unique voice, in your perspective, and in your ability to captivate and inspire your readers. Believe in the stories you tell, the messages you convey, and the impact your words can have on the world. Writing is a journey of self-discovery and growth, and your belief in yourself is the compass that will guide you through it.

”Don’t give up now.Keep trying until you reach your full success.”


Achievement is the result of persistent effort and dedication. It’s the destination toward which your thoughts and beliefs propel you. To achieve in the world of writing is to see your words in print, to touch the hearts and minds of your readers, and to share your stories with the world.

To achieve, you must write with passion, edit with precision, and persevere through rejections and setbacks. It’s about setting goals, meeting deadlines, and continuously honing your craft. As a writer, you have the power to achieve your aspirations and make a mark in the literary world.

”Don’t give up now.Keep trying until you reach your full success.”